We love our friends and we think you will, too! Check out this list of innovative and amazing individuals:
THANK YOU, Kitchen Bus Supporters! Your community networking and financial support is what kitchen bus dreams are made of!
Sheryl Keller, Alise Roberts, Sam Smith, Kyle Jones, Patricia Kalin, Kelda Miller, Laura Weinstock, South Sound Healers Network, Dana Walker, April Carson, Beth & Jason, Adelle Naylor, Emily Blessing, Kalee Featherwise, Kiely M. Bennett-Follmar, Jeanne Richards, Diana Ambauen-Meade, Nancy May, Jerome and Carolee of RC Ridge, Randi Didie, Erica McCurdy, Josh & Ciera, Rebekah Mingus, Olivia Rivas, Thomas E. Farrell II, Brigette Smith, Steven Froom, Super8, Merri, Sara Rice, Sarah Ford, Marty Ruddy, Meghan Mortensen, Ruebees, Christina Walker, Lucy Page, Mara Loveday, Rod Tharp, Lissa Osbourne, Sheila Fisher, Melissa, Shelly Spalding, Kim and Steve Koelbel, Daniel Whitehouse, Ginger Phalen, Ron Trout, Bridget A. H., Michael Davisson, Diana Bender Vogt, Vanya Sandberg, Karen Chow, Drew Langdon, Alicia Taylor, Dame Frank, Patricia Menzies, Ana Maria Sierra, Keven Monley, Dani Madrone, Zian Dax, Christy Reedy, Dopson Peter, Muriel Fahrion, Judith Talley, Luna Krahe, RFWW, Leah Swearingen, Davi Rios, Shari Trnka, Nichole Garden, Rebeka, Karen, Merrilee McMurray, Sondra Blessing, Erin Joosse, Daniel Price, Amber Welch, Roy Liuzza, Jillian Simensky, Audrey Mahowald, Cal0677, Stafford County Trash Service, Newaulkum Valley Farm, Faith Hawks, Tango Tru, Lisa Boggs, Amanda Baker McDougall, Miranda Krone, Amanda McCandless, Mary Jadwisiak, Laurel Wolff, Justin Mitzimberg, Leon Janssen, Karen Sue, and the crew at Kickstarter.com, of course!