2015 - Harvest the Heat!
Posted by Mokey Skinner on Friday, September 25, 2015
WoW! What a season. With a spring that started in late January and temperatures in the high 90's for most of the summer months, Western Washington farmers were faced with watering and cooling issues that just aren't usually part of our annual challenges. Who knew I'd be struggling to keep plants cool and wet in the PNW?!
Well, I saw many farms and gardeners take the 2015 growing season by the piping hot horns, and what a bounty it provided! We have seen success with every crop we could keep watered, and though many of our cool weather perennials and nursery stock didn't thrive in the heat, almost all of them survived with our careful nurturing in the new creekside potted plant hideout. Harvest season is busier than ever, as there are not only more options, but more of each option for preserving and marketing. I love to see the pantry shelves fill up, an altar to abundance as well as a sense of security leading into the cool, dormant winter to come.
Here at Coffee Creek, we shared in this beautiful, bountiful season with friends, family, volunteers, and WWOOFers from around the country. Between cob building projects, new hoophouse and expanded gardens, feed business, the introduction of bees and pigs, and the always exciting human dynamics, there were many valuable learning and growing opportunities. I am ever grateful for all of the presence, support, and ingenuity it took to make 2015 an amazing season of growth and expansion!
Well, I saw many farms and gardeners take the 2015 growing season by the piping hot horns, and what a bounty it provided! We have seen success with every crop we could keep watered, and though many of our cool weather perennials and nursery stock didn't thrive in the heat, almost all of them survived with our careful nurturing in the new creekside potted plant hideout. Harvest season is busier than ever, as there are not only more options, but more of each option for preserving and marketing. I love to see the pantry shelves fill up, an altar to abundance as well as a sense of security leading into the cool, dormant winter to come.
Here at Coffee Creek, we shared in this beautiful, bountiful season with friends, family, volunteers, and WWOOFers from around the country. Between cob building projects, new hoophouse and expanded gardens, feed business, the introduction of bees and pigs, and the always exciting human dynamics, there were many valuable learning and growing opportunities. I am ever grateful for all of the presence, support, and ingenuity it took to make 2015 an amazing season of growth and expansion!